Strategi Pemasaran Sepeda Pacific di Toko L Makmur

  • Wahyu Pamungkas Putro Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Media Nusantara Citra
Keywords: marketing strategy, increase sales, pacific bicycle.


Abstract: This study aims to determine the kinds of marketing strategies used to increase sales of Pacific by the bicycle shop L Makmur. This type of research is conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach. Types and sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data, while data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and documentation. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative data analysis, referring to narrative analysis and discources analiysis. Based on the research results, it was found that L Makmur bike shop implemented marketing strategies to increase sale of Pacific bicycles with several marketing strategies, namely: 1) Price strategy, by applying competitive prices; 2) Product strategy, by always ensuring the availability of bicycles in the shop is always available; 3) The service strategy, by providing friendly service, can clearly explain the spesification of the bicycle and provide solutions regarding the needs and budgets that suit consumers. 
